Tip number seven: Out of courtesy to your significant other, don’t play these games if you are not single. (Open up “My Computer”, Tools -> Folder Options…, Select the second tab “View”, should be the eighth option down if your computer matches mine) Tip number six: So as to avoid making steps two through five pointless, make sure that your computer is not setup to show hidden folders.
Tip number five: So as to avoid making steps two through four pointless, move all folders and icons generated in the start menu to your folder created in tip number two, perhaps in a sub-folder so as to keep them separated from the download files. Tip number four: Find any and all folders generated by any software installation processes and give them the hidden attribute as well. Also might want to name the folder something easy to remember for when you have to type it in manually to get back to it. Tip number three: Give the folder the hidden attribute. I.E.: C:\WINDOWS\Resources (This particular location might backfire if you intend to send you computer in to the shop for repairs, but it should illustrate the idea.) Tip number two: If you play them anyways, store all the download files in a user created folders in some obscure place on you c: drive or some where else obscure that no one borrowing your computer would have any reason to be looking at. For the record I’m not criticizing anybody for playing these games in the first place, just doing so while not single. Tip number one: Don’t play them, especially if plan on reaching any bases. Advice for those who play these games while not single, regardless of what bases they have reached or plan on reaching: